Quick post today cos I have to rush off.
Rewrote four short scenes today. It was really hard at first, I kept thinking about how far my script is from where it needs to be, and how much rewriting I've got ahead of me...
Finally got into the groove though and the scenes I rewrote are definitely heading more in the right direction. So I'm feeling okay about it now.
5 days ago
Having been reading the blog for a few weeks, what impresses me most about what I'm seeing is the discipline you are showing to write, even when you don't really feel like it or aren't inspired. I always find this element the most difficult to deal with as a writer. Procrastination is the enemy. But as you've said a few times, once you push yourself over that edge the results can be plentiful. I think the idea of the blog is definitely paying dividends for you in this department. And it's pleasing to see others feeding like vampires from the enthusiasm generated. I may even be sucking the life force from you all to get some work done very shortly. Good stuff.
Aw, gee, thanks. And it's knowing you guys are out there that's keeping me on the straight and narrow... leaves me with no option but to write. One of the most striking things I've discovered(cos posting after a session makes me pay attention to how it's going)is that every session seems to be ending positively, with the feeling that I've achieved something - even the ones that suck till at least halfway through. Like today. First hour and a half was most definitely not fun. I knew that if I stuck at it, I'd be able to work through the crappy moments - what surprises me is that so far anyway it's been happening within each session.
If anyone's inclined to start a similar blog themselves - go for it and I'll link to you. Nothing like a bit of competition!
Ooh, I like the idea of us as vampires! Good on you for following through. I'm sure it can only be disheartening to compare your first draft to where your stunning and shiny final draft will be, so don't do it. And that's an order.
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