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Wrote a new scene/beat that wasn't there before but I think it's just what's needed. Also rewrote a scene which now works better, works better because of the new scene before it, and is also less on the nose.
Ticking away.
5 days ago
Started my draft today, having taken the morning off paid work.
Five pages of longhand writing. I'll wait until later to start typing it into the computer. Typing into the computer gives me a chance to revise, so it can be good to have some distance on it.
Feels great to have started.
And I'm enjoying the actual writing. I'm learning more about the script as I go - and the ideas really feel like they're falling into place.
The writing itself feels 'good enough' - as good as I want it to be as this stage. I tell myself that there's plenty of chance for revision once it's on the page!
Fantastic! There's a Fishie with your name on it swimming in the sea. It's great to get to the point where 'good enough' is good enough - I'm there right now and it's such a relief.
I had exactly the opposite morning from Sean.
I had decided to write a short film idea today. I know exactly what the look, content and feel of this script is going to be. Yet when I tried to write it... I found it really hard and felt wooden. The words just weren't flowing. I got half a page done before I decided that I needed to give up for today. Maybe tomorrow things will flow more easily.
Maybe I knew too much about my script by the time I sat down to write it.
Maybe I just needed to have a day off.
I'm not too worried. I'm sure I'll have got it written by this time next week. It's just that I expected to have it written by this time tomorrow.
Given that you've had a few rough days, I suspect you simply need a break.
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