Monday, June 15, 2009

Back on it.

And it's nice to be back. After the gap am reading through my notes and reassessing structurewise. Using the 'fresh eyes'. Also, getting back up to speed with what I only half remember, to tell the truth...


Sean_Molloy said...

Good on you. Congratulations for getting back on it.

I'm writing too - wrote around nine pages on the weekend.

the daily screenwriter said...

And good for you. Seems like you're rocketing ahead these days, Sean.

Helen Rickerby said...

Yay! Everyone's writing. I wrote three (not very good) poems this evening, and planned a fourth (which will be a master work!).

I'm glad you're getting back into your script. Hope it continues well.

the daily screenwriter said...

Yeah, it's always the one ya haven't written yet that's going to be the master work... never jam today... but at least, jam tomorrow! Congrats on the productivity Helen, and I don't believe you about the 'not very good' part.