Saturday, November 8, 2008

Day 11 on the outline.

I was just going to work on the first half of the second act today, but then I realised I wasn't sure which half of the act some of my scenes needed to be in - so I worked on the act as a whole. Slower progress than I'd have liked. A general shape is emerging, but it all feels VERY slow! Looking at my cards on the floor it doesn't look like I've made that much progress - but my brain hurts, so that's got to be good, right? Not sure if my dissatisfaction means I'm overthinking, or what... And every so often I realise there's a whole angle I haven't considered yet, like my protagonist's relationship with the antagonist... and so on and so on. I realise that I'm going to have to start my draft with a lot of questions still unanswered, or I'll be counting down to 'Day 100 on the outline'... still, knowing where to draw the line is tricky.


blofeld said...

It's interesting reading the blog now i am not writing anything. It makes me slightly frustrated, but in an "impatient to write" good kind of way.

I have read two scripts and have comments but I just don't have time to write my other script which is a bummer. Still, I would rather spend my time giving constructive feedback on others scripts because the payoff is equally constructive feedback on my major project.

the daily screenwriter said...

Glad it's kinda motivating... I guess the reason I'm keen to hear other people's page counts is that that's motivating for me in the same way.

I think giving feedback on scripts is really good to do as a writer, it firms up that sense of what works/doesn't work and why. So even if you're not writing as such, it's still grist to the mill.