On 29th October 2008, two Fishies were awarded... regular poster blofeld nabbed a Fishie for his completed first draft of a feature script.
Congratulations blofeld!
And regular poster Sean was awarded his second Fishie for his second draft of a feature script.
Congratulations Sean, two-time Fishie winner!
On September the 30th 2008, The Daily Screenwriter scored a Fishie (which I awarded to myself) for a completed first draft of a feature script.
On September 1st, 2008, the Daily Screenwriter's first Chocolate Fish Award was awarded to regular poster Sean for his first draft of a feature script. (Duly delivered, and presumably consumed.)
Congratulations Sean!
There are many more Fishies in the sea that I will happily send to anyone else who completes a feature draft while posting their scriptwriting progress here. (Doesn't have to be a first draft). No details necessary, just page count.
C'mon y'all, get Fishing!