Sunday, March 8, 2009

Page 85.

Which is good, pagecountwise, but it's all very clunky with exposition shovelled in. That's kind of how I think a first draft should be - just shove in the exposition and get the draft finished - but I don't like having to do that. But at least it's getting down on paper - or on bytes. I have had some thoughts based on today's writing about some conflicts that can happen between my characters, so that's good. Still, wish it was better...

1 comment:

Benedict Reid said...

This relates to what the "What I write" blog was saying... about being less comfortable about writing the actual script, and more comfortable with outlining. I'm sure you've noticed that you both seem to be in similar places.
And, by the way, why do you think I'm posting a comment on your blog? Sure, it's partly because I'm interested in what you're saying... but it's mostly because I've got a bit of spare time and this is less scary than starting that draft I've been talking about for 2 or 3 weeks now.