Friday, March 6, 2009

Time to get back to the draft.

I've written most days this week but for some reason didn't feel like posting... maybe that's because it's all felt a bit slow. Anyway, I've been collating an outline for the second half of the script. Today I looked over what I've got and realised it's time to get back to the draft again. I still have some holes - mainly in the third act - but I think the outline's at the point that I have to get back to draft level to work out the details. I'm not exactly pleased about that because I'm off overseas for a month in a couple of weeks - and I had it all planned out that I was going to 'finish' (ha!) my outline before I went, so as to hit the ground running (yeah, right) with the draft when I got back.

Just typo'd 'draft' as 'drat'. Freudian?

Anyway, if I don't manage to find an excuse, it's back to the draft grindstone tomorrow.



Helen Rickerby said...

How can we congratulate you on your hard work if you don't post!

the daily screenwriter said...

Yeah, I know. What's my problem? Dunno. Not good to neglect posting. Will try to reverse that trend.