Saturday, October 18, 2008

Flu (and travel)

Still got the flu. Away for a week from Monday (hopefully without the flu, by then). So I'm declaring a hiatus till I get back. I will be back here writing again from the 28th.


Benedict Reid said...

Love the John August post today, about your first script being like the first time you have sex.
Except somehow it didn't seem yucky when John August wrote about it.

blofeld said...

Hello folks

It is with great joy that i announce the birth into this world of "The Perfect Woman." It arrived just after 11am this morning weighing in at 124 pages.

Both father and child are doing very well indeed, and would like to thank you for all your help and support throughout the pregnancy.

Have fun

the daily screenwriter said...

Congratulations blofeld! A Fishie will be yours on my return (and hopefully germ free by then too)... Hope you are having a well earned rest/treating yourself to something special... well done!

Sean_Molloy said...

So, I've written 43 pages longhand in the last eight days, and gotten to the end of the script. Now I need to type it in, and revise the rest of the script. I aim to finish the draft and hand it out to my first reader next Monday.

Sean_Molloy said...

Draft is done and ready to print. Ends on page 94.

the daily screenwriter said...

Congratulations Sean! A Fishie is swimming your way!